Monday, June 15, 2009

Just wanna warm up

Yeah, my boss suggested I start a blog. I really like to write, I do it at any spare time I have. I have seen God do some marvelous things in my life and i want to share it with the world. My relationship with my mom and dad are pretty much settled now. Here are the juicy details. I was kicked out of my brothers house and didn't have anywhere to go and my dad told me, that i couldn't stay with him. What a rejection. But God had already laid on my heart to ask a friend to stay with them. God is good like that. I was angry at him for a very long time about that. Then my mom. There were times that she wouldn't even let me take a shower over her house, because at the place I was staying, the hot water heater was out and it was during the very cold parts of winter. I had been praying for a long time about this. I know that in my bible it says to forgive those that hurt you, and it was definitely a process. Had to continually shower love on them, and that was very hard. But my bible also says that many are the afflictions of the righteous but the Lord delivers him out of them all and not a bone of His is broken. i found this to be true. It took longer than i anticipated but eventually and also very quickly they changed. People may not realize that God is real. He hears your prayers and answers them now. I have had people that for no apparent reason were just nasty towards me. Maybe because i was poor and homeless and the shelter i had was just shelter. So people looked down on me. But God blessed me, because in those hard times I learned to trust in Him completely. I learned also that He is so real. I am much stronger than i was before. i don't let people say anything that God doesn't say about me to me. I stand up for myself when confronted. if they talk behind my back, i cant control that, but i Can control what i receive and what i do not. I remember one time, i was gaining a little weight but maybe about 5 pounds, yet overall i had already lost 80. This lady told me, girl you better slow down on those hamburgers or you gonna be big as a house. The Holy Ghost rose up on the inside of me, and i said hold on, I have been big before and i will never be big again, the weight i lost is dead to me and i had another lady confirm that i had lost a lot of weight already. So in the instance she was speechless and mad at me for a long time about that. but i learned that not everyone can speak into my life, especially discrediting the hard work and patience it took to get those pounds off. So don't let people walk all over you, God isn't pleased when people discredit you. I learned to be bold about what i believe in and that what i have earned is mine and no one can take that from me, except me, God bless

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