Wednesday, June 24, 2009

God- The Lover of my Soul

I for a small period was depressed. I am starting a club called Christian Students of Excellence. And as soon as i turned in the bylaws, i was hurt by people close to me. Many didn't even want my company. i was tired and couldn't sleep. i didn't think i was worrying until God raised up a song in my spirit called 'Let Go' by Dwayne Wood. that song blessed me because it taught me just to let God have His own way and to trust in His word. i am finding that God's word is true because every bit of it is manifested in my life right now, not in times to come. But as long as i life on this earth that He created i will see His word performed, to the good or to the bad. God's word is so powerful that when i pray His word and His will over a person, i see the end before they see it. And that end for them is so beautiful! getting back to the subject, i had been asking God to remove a love out of my heart for a person i thought that i loved. But God went deeper. God told me to let go of the hurt of my past in friendships, and rejections of family and former friends. Yes they had hurt me and very deeply but what God helped me to understand is that the hurt that existed in my heart was not only hurting me but drawing hurting people to me. so the very people i tried to get away from are the very people wants me to share His unconditional love with. i know that every individual in the world wants and deserves unconditional love. Well i wrestled with releasing this because the hurt caused fear and fear in turn kept me out of sinful relationships. But that was not the will of God. God wants to protect me but He is not forceful because He is love, but He will compel me to release anger and fear. the fear became a trap for me. I had a hard time even talking to people and was beginning to fall back into the despair of depression once again. I mean, when you have lived in fear most of your life, it is a difficult thing to give up. I had so many walls around my heart that i didn't even let God in to heal and what should have been torn down, the walls i mean, i found safety in. this was what i retreated to when my parents were fighting. this is where i hid when people wanted to really get to know me. The walls came down. I let go and released the fear and anger. i fell asleep and i gasped as i was released from all fear and doubt. I really trust God now. He is my protector, the One i can always talk to, the One who has no fear because He is Love. God is so great! Thank You God for healing my broken heart, thank You God for setting me free from all fear, never to return again. thank You God for being my Savior and Knight in shining armor. Thank You God for being the Lover of my Soul, ah, your breath is my soul, oh how God completes me! God is great!

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