Saturday, December 24, 2011

Incomplete Story

all of a sudden shes inspired
with lots of words to write
overwhelmed by charactors
and bringing them to life
pen goes to paper
yet all of a sudden
she stops writing
and forgets why
caught in the sea of writers block
she swims and swims until she reaches a rock
this rock has sea moss all over it
but she climbs on it and almost slips
so she writes limericks that make no sense
the urge to write becomes less intense
what happened to the passion that she once had
to lose such a gift would be so sad
but just behind the rock she was standing upon
was a huge island, no one had ever stepped on
so she climbs through the rocks and finally arrives
no one there, she looks for life but sees no signs
what am i to write, she sighs to herself
i need to make a living so she puts her pen and paper up on the shelf

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