Monday, December 19, 2011

I'm Outta Yo' Box

I am no longer in your box
i walk barefooted no longer wearing socks
just because your theology, of hypocrisy
doesnt agree with my honesty
that comes from above and screams and shouts of GOD's love
in midst of your mess of unloving foolishness
to you
to tell the truth in love is against the truth of GOD's love
so its okay to be hurt by the one bringing the word
their anointing is better than yours, touch not GOD's anointed one
so their evil anointing is greater than mine
how can you choose to be so spiritually blind
you put all your heart and soul into them
without even trusting the one who saved your soul from sin
youve known me from the beginning, ive always told the truth
ive never lied to you, my life is living proof
but oh they have a listof places youve never been
of people youve never seen
so they cant be in sin
but the blatently obvious is so far from your mind
when they throw lies in your face and treat you unkind
you dont have the money or pride of life to preach to me
so you would rather hear a word thats full of hypocrisy
im outta your box

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