Friday, September 9, 2011

Daily Blessings

GOD is so completely awesome! Today i found out that i have a detail this weekend. I will be guarding a post, which is completly awesome! I really want to contribute to the force here, guard duty is great! i thought i was going to need a ride to the location of my guard duty but the company is providing transportation, which is awesome. i Get guard duty with an awesome Sergeant! Today i get to do video, again! Next week i get to go and take pictures in a place i have already been to. GOD just sets me up all the time. Even yesturday, i got off work and missed the shuttle. I looked up and saw a Sergeant walking, i wasnt sure who he was, so i asked him had he seen the shuttle, because its unusual that she is late but i got out there just on time so she may have left already, he asked me where i was going, and we were going to the same place, and in fact, he lives across the hallway from me. Then this morning, i was supposed to take pictures of our run, but i wasnt assigned a camera kit yet and i forgot that i couldnt use my Supervisors, because he would be using it. As soon as we got back to our barracks, i asked another Sergeant that i saw about the run, he said it was cancelled, possibly. So i called one of my supervisors, and he checked to see if it was, and it was cancelled. GOD totally is my husband, and He takes so much care of me

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