Friday, September 9, 2011

Daily Blessings

GOD is so completely awesome! Today i found out that i have a detail this weekend. I will be guarding a post, which is completly awesome! I really want to contribute to the force here, guard duty is great! i thought i was going to need a ride to the location of my guard duty but the company is providing transportation, which is awesome. i Get guard duty with an awesome Sergeant! Today i get to do video, again! Next week i get to go and take pictures in a place i have already been to. GOD just sets me up all the time. Even yesturday, i got off work and missed the shuttle. I looked up and saw a Sergeant walking, i wasnt sure who he was, so i asked him had he seen the shuttle, because its unusual that she is late but i got out there just on time so she may have left already, he asked me where i was going, and we were going to the same place, and in fact, he lives across the hallway from me. Then this morning, i was supposed to take pictures of our run, but i wasnt assigned a camera kit yet and i forgot that i couldnt use my Supervisors, because he would be using it. As soon as we got back to our barracks, i asked another Sergeant that i saw about the run, he said it was cancelled, possibly. So i called one of my supervisors, and he checked to see if it was, and it was cancelled. GOD totally is my husband, and He takes so much care of me

Tuesday, September 6, 2011

Europa Park

i had lots of fun on Saturday at Europa Park. i only got on 3 rides. but the people i went with made the trip so enjoyable. the Blue Fire was a ride we waited over 2 hours for, but it was well worth it beacause by the time i got on, i thought i was going to die from the heat, no it was from the ride. so im waiting and just about to go out and wait for the next ride to pull up. it pulls up and the worker directs me to the back end of the ride. i was thinking "oh my God, this is the most impactful part of the ride!" so i got in, then handed my purse to one of the people i was riding with, she put it away. we all locked ourselves in, the workers checked to make sure we were locked in, then the ride takes off. i grip the bars in front of me and its telling me my pulse rate is in the 100's, it goes through a tunnel and into a room, then turns into another room, where it stops and there is a countdown, my pulse is way up there now, then it takes of at a breathtaking speed that all i can do is scream. i close my eyes, take a breath then scream again. i open my eyes to see that we are just about to go into a twirl, i close them again and continue to scream, then the ride slows down as i am screaming, i peek out of one eye and see that we are about to stop, then i finally stop screaming. I had an awesome time with some awesome people! yet i almost lost my voice from this ride!!!