Sunday, October 7, 2012

Factory of Death

Sometimes i get so tired. I walk with GOD and my own brothers fight against me. I look for refuge, but find another snakes den. I need to find a place where i can heal. Where i can be strengthened. People have sucked the life out of me and death is looming all around me. Where is my refuge? Where is the church that was holy, upright, faithful and loving? All i see is the bending of truth to suit carnal desires. What happened to the refiners fire, the ones that were called out, the ones that are lights shining in darkness. Every door i knock on seems to be manufactured for my death. I am dying inside, and no one to hear, no one sheds tears anymore for sin, everyone seeks the fulfillment of their own pleasure no matter the expense of others. I refuse to believe that its okay to sin and walk with Christ at the same time. I refuse to believe that it is okay to give in to sin, and say im walking right with GOD. GOD please take away this deadly doctrine of sin and renew me with the wholeness that i need to succeed in your plan. OH GOD, help me to be strong when opinions are told to be greater than your plan, open my heart and mind to your will, may that be the only thing i see, let every other sight be taken away from me. Remove from me a selfish spirit, replace in me you true foundation. that no matter the wind or waves, on my heart, mind, spirit and soul, YOUR will is engraved.